"Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us" by L. Christensen
Christensen identifies the concept that popular culture shapes the views of society. "Society's culture industry teaches them how to act, live, and dream," them, being young children, teens, and even some (or most) adults. Throughout her article, Christensen points to children's literature and popular Disney movies to articulate her point that children "accept the world as it is portrayed in these social blueprint." It is disturbing to think about these movies, which portray stereotypes which display the in-just, inequality, and the social hierarchy that exists within our society, shaping our youth. It is important to note that these images are not only found in Disney or in fairy tales. In society we are continually bombarded with these dominant ideologies...magazines, TV, ads, billboards, etc. Just think of the concept of the "princess." What characteristics come to mind when a young girl/boy hears the word princess? Young, pretty, white, thin,..you can see where this is going. What does the "evil" character look like? Ugly, old, overweight,...
This reading was interesting, straightforward, and thought provoking. There were no confusing points.
This article demonstrates that "media matters." It is clear that popular culture teaches youth about the world. Christensen points to the fact that we need to question the media and the images that are projected on us.
In closing, I would like to add that I have read this article before and always enjoy revisiting it with new eyes.
I also liked the article myself and also feel like it was also very straighforward and interesting. I liked how you threw in the media and magazines and billboards, etc. These also subconciously I believe play a big part in a teens perception of the way they look at their selves. Also, I like the way you were when you were 13! I wish I had better judgement in picking friends because I never had one follow me past highschool and you are very lucky to have had that. I guess I would much rather have the friends that i met being myself in college then trying to be something I am not like I did in highschool. I give u props for choosing good friends at that age!
liked this article as well, it was very straightforward. I really like how you added examples of other media artifacts to your explanations of the text.
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