Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Madonna still on my mind!

Ok, the WHOLE ride home I was dissecting the Madonna video...here it goes, I hope this clears up what I was trying to say in class.

Madonna's video is meant to be a "tongue in cheek" look at our societal norms.  The elderly woman represents the "typical" woman in modern society.  She is watching tv when Madonna picks her up.  Madonna and her then combat all of the repressions that woman encounter throughout their lives and rebel.  The elderly woman maintains her ambivalence  during all of the rebellious acts that Madonna exposes her to in turn represent the way the "common" woman does with all of the experiences.  Madonna, on the other hand, represents what we all want to do at some point.  In the end, when Madonna and the elderly woman die in the car crash it is basically saying, "hey, we all die, we can either die feeling we made a difference or die accepting what we don't agree with."  Being a girl is complex and real, it is not easy.  We all need to rebel, it may feel uncomfortable but in the end what will matter most?

I applaud Madonna and am sure others look on in horror, I look on with a smile. :)