Monday, February 8, 2010

Media LIteracy 101

As I sit by my computer, with the TV on, and my cell phone by my side, I don't really have to wonder how the media shape out society. I am an example of a media driven person...

Media influences much of how we are and what we feel is important, ideal, and what we value (individually and as a society). Take this video clip for example....

Throughout this video, I found myself angry yet intrigued at the same time. I have read those magazines, bought the expensive mascara to elongate my lases, and look in the mirror confused at times...

It s important to understand the media and its pull on society in order to maintain a true self. Media Literacy equips individuals with the tools necessary to "read the mass media and TV." It is essential for us to be able to critique, analyze, and interpret the media messages. Some even include the production of media within the definition of media literacy.

PBS has posted a media literacy quiz...test your media literacy!